AK 47 PISTOL-Romanian-DRACO PISTOL. UPCÂ 787450044357
- Imported from Romania by Century Arms
- Chambered in 7.62×39
- Barrel length approx 12 inches
- Barrel has integral front sight & gas tube
- Barrel has muzzle-nut installed
- Wood fore stock
- Plastic pistol grip
- Includes 30 round magazine
- Uses any standard AK double-stack magazine or drum
- Buy draco ak 47 pistol-hg1916-n
These are imported Romanian-built AK 47 pistols in 7.62×39 semi-auto caliber, Matte black finish, new units. The barrel has integral front sight & gas tube. The barrel has a muzzle-nut installed (Spot welded), wood forestock, plastic pistol grip, and one magazine. Uses any standard AK double stack mag or drum. One-year factory warranty. Comes with one 30 round mag. Imported by Century Arms. Please Note: Muzzle nut may or may not be welded No choice. This is an easy fix with a file or Dremmel tool / Does not come with a cleaning rod. Buy Draco ak 47 pistol-hg1916-n
Listing is for Draco Pistol only SB47 Brace NOT INCLUDED